left: Sherlock's shelter photo

left: Sherlock after a haircut -- there was a skinny dog under that mop!

This male, black and tan Cocker Spaniel mix is about 4 years old. He arrived at the Carson shelter on Dec 23, 2009. Rescued by Camp Cocker on Dec. 29, 2009.


TULIP - ID#A1116659
unaltered female, black Cocker Spaniel is about 4 months old and weighs approximately 13 pounds. She arrived at the East Valley shelter on May 19, 2010.
rescued by Camp Cocker 5/22/10

WILLOW - ID#A1116660
unaltered female, black Cocker Spaniel is about 4 months old and weighs approximately 12 pounds. She arrived at the East Valley shelter on May 19, 2010.
rescued by Camp Cocker 5/22/10

RUDY - ID#A1116661

This unaltered male, black Cocker Spaniel is about 6 months old and weighs approximately 20 pounds. He arrived at the East Valley shelter on May 19, 2010.
rescued by Camp Cocker 5/22/10

IZZY - ID#A1114598
unaltered female, black Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year and 6 months old and weighs approximately 25 pounds. She arrived at the East Valley shelter on May 12, 2010.
rescued by Camp Cocker 5/20/10

CROSBY - ID#A1115765
unaltered male, white and tan Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year and 6 months old and weighs approximately 34 pounds. He arrived at the East Valley shelter on May 16, 2010.
rescued by Camp Cocker 5/22/10

DIXIE - ID#A4118197 
Dixie is about 1 year old. She arrived at the Lancaster shelter on Apr 30, 2010, and was rescued by Angels Under Our Wings Cocker Rescue in Victoria, B.C. on May 14, 2010.  Dixie was adopted on 5/30/10.

male, tan and white Cocker Spaniel mix came into the Carson shelter on May 09, 2010.  He was rescued by Camp Cocker & Angels Under Our Wings Cocker Rescue and traveled to his new furever home in British Columbia on 5/29/10!


DARKY - ID#A4118075
male, black Cocker Spaniel arrived at the Lancaster shelter on Apr 30, 2010.  He was adopted on 5/11/10, renamed Felix, and given a much-needed bath and haircut!


MARY ANNE - ID#A1096524
Mary Anne is a spayed female, red Cocker Spaniel.  She is about 1 year old and weighs approximately 29 pounds. She was dumped at the East Valley shelter on March 10, pregnant, with her companion. Her companion was adopted right away. Mary Anne was spayed and her pregnancy terminated. Rescued by  Camp Cocker and adopted!

WYATT (formerly RED - ID#A375235)
Wyatt, a neutered male, red Cocker Spaniel, was about 3 years old when he arrived at the San Bernardino Shelter on Nov. 24, 2009. He had previously been adopted from the shelter but his adopter returned him to the shelter, saying he did not want to pay veterinary bills. Rescued by Camp Cocker Dec. 8, 2009, and adopted on May 1, 2010!

Female, tan Cocker Spaniel puppy, arrived at the South Los Angeles shelter Jan 10, 2010. She had been hit by a car and had a fractured pelvis. Rescued by Camp Cocker 1/15/10 and named Samantha!


TOKEN - ID#A631763 
Token is a neutered male, white Cocker Spaniel. He is about 15 years old. When  Token arrived at the Rancho Cucamonga shelter on Dec. 02, 2009, he was very sick and very weak. He had a rampant ear infection, a big infected skin tag on his eyelid, and a separate eye infection.  His thyroid was so low that it made him weak and fat.  He also had a bad back and a skin condition. Camp Cocker volunteer Patricia adopted Token on Dec. 17, 2009, and got him the veterinary care he needed, including surgery to remove the skin tag and medication to control his thyroid.  He is now pretty comfortable, as you can see in these photos: 

Token (right) with his new brother, Biff (left)




above: Scooby's shelter photo


left: Scooby today

SCOOBY - ID#A773325

SCOOBY is a male, buff Cocker Spaniel puppy. He is about 8 months old. Scooby arrived at the Coachella shelter on Jan 12, 2010.
rescued by Camp Cocker 1/23/10 and adopted Feb. 2010!


FONZIE (previously GANZITO - ID#A773327)
GANZITO is a male, black and white Cocker Spaniel. He is about 2 years old. Ganzito arrived at the Coachella shelter on Jan 12, 2010.
rescued by Camp Cocker 1/23/10 and adopted 3/28/10!


PAULIE - ID#A394123
 This blind male, black and white Cocker Spaniel is about 12 years old. He arrived at the Long Beach shelter on Jan 16, 2010 with a terrible case of pneumonia. On Jan. 24, 2010, he went to a Second Chance Cocker Rescue sanctuary home where he is getting healthy.

neutered male, white Cocker Spaniel mix is about 10 years old. He arrived at the Moreno Valley shelter on Jan 11, 2010, matted, dirty and blind. A Camp Cocker volunteer adopted him on Jan. 20, 2010 and named him Wally.

<- Look how handsome Wally is after being groomed! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Fuego in his new home

FUEGO - ID#A1054557

Fuego is about 9 years old. He arrived at the West Valley shelter in August and was adopted, but his adopter returned him on Nov 27, 2009, reporting that he was "destructive." Fuego was adopted on Jan. 2, 2010! His new owner reports that he is a sweet dog who likes to snuggle.


Cocker Spaniel Picture
ZIGGY - R134788

Male, buff Cocker Spaniel, about 1 year old. Adopted from Ramona Humane Society Jan. 2010!